I am Michael "Smitty" Smith, and I play guitar. A lot.
My current band - and performance passion - is a blues-rock assault project called Hurts Like Hell. (Check out the live in-studio videos here!) The guys I jam and write with are amazing, and we have a great time
recording and gigging. I suggest you hire us and buy our music so we can keep doing it.
I’ve been playing and recording for longer than I care to admit. I’ve decided to share my "guitarchives" on the web. Keep an eye
on my store for more back-catalog, solo-projects, rarities, and fan "freebies" as I learn embrace this digital reality.
Want to learn or refresh your guitar skills? I teach all styles to players at all levels and work hard to keep it fun. (Think about it: you’re learning to PLAY, after all.) I offer lessons in the Olympia area, and will expand the offering via live web-stream soon for aspiring riffsters wherever they may hide. Let's connect
when you’re ready to up your game!
Recording? I am also available as a hired-gun for your next project. Acoustic or electric: blues, rock, country, metal, jazz, jam... I love to lay it down, and can nail the take in short order. Whether an in-person studio session or a virtual handshake
(trading files over the internet), I am your man. Contact me, and let’s make a deal!